KMID : 1237720110440040256
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2011 Volume.44 No. 4 p.256 ~ p.264
Prospect of cell therapy for Parkinson¡¯s disease
Pawitan Jeanne Adiwinata
The hallmark of Parkinson¡¯s disease is on-going degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, which may be due to various etiologies. Various approaches to alleviate symptoms are available, such as life-long pharmacological intervention, deep brain stimulation, and transplantation of dopaminergic neuron-containing fetal tissue. However, each of these approaches has a disadvantage. Several studies have shown that various kinds of stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and other cells can differentiate into dopaminergic neurons and may be promising for treating Parkinson¡¯s disease in the future. Therefore, this review addresses those cells in terms of their prospects in cell therapy for Parkinson¡¯s disease. In addition, the need for safety and efficacy studies, various cell delivery modes and sites, and possible side effects will be discussed.
Parkinson disease, Stem cells, Substantia nigra, Striatum, Putamen
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