KMID : 1237720140470040274
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2014 Volume.47 No. 4 p.274 ~ p.278
Multiple absences of the branches of abdominal aorta with congenital absence of the portal vein, unilateral adrenal agenesis and persistent ductus arteriosus in a female cadaver
Ahmadpour Shahriar
Foghi Khadijeh
We report on an extremely rare case of multiple absences of the branches of abdominal aorta with congenital absence of the portal vein, unilateral adrenal agenesis and persistent ductus arteriosus in an adult female cadaver. Specifically, instead of celiac trunk, superior and inferior mesenteric arteries, solely a single arterial trunk aroused from the anterior aspect of abdominal aorta, inferior phrenic and ovarian arteries were absent in both sides. Left kidneys drained by two veins. There were not superior, splenic and mesenteric veins, while left renal vein received an additional vein, which run downward and drained primarily all parts of digestive tract and its associated glands (portal vein did not exist). Right adrenal gland was absent. To the best of our knowledge, it is the only reported case with such widespread anomalies. We think the importance of this case is beyond the surgical consideration and needs more profound developmental studies.
Abdominal aorta, Portal vein, Adrenal, Congenital, Agenesis, Persistent ductus arteriosus
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