KMID : 1237720160490030217
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2016 Volume.49 No. 3 p.217 ~ p.220
Bilateral elongated mandibular coronoid process in an Anatolian skull
Ufuk Corumlu
Cem Kopuz Mehmet Tevfik Demir Mennan Ece Pirzirenli
Elongation or hyperplasia of coronoid process of mandible is rare condition characterized by abnormal bone development which cause malocclusion and the limited mouth opening. In this study, in an Anatolian skull, a case of bilateral elongation of mandibular coronoid process was presented. Levandoski panographic analysis was performed on the panoramic radiographie to determine the hyperplasia of the coronoid process. The right condylar process was exactly hyperplastic. The measurements of Kr-Go/Cd-Go were 95.10 mm/79.03 mm on right side and 97.53 mm/87.80 mm on left side. The ratio of Kr-Go/Cd-Go on the right side was 1.20. Elongated coronoid process is one of the factors cause mandibular hypomobility, it as reported here might lead to limited mouth opening. The knowledge of this variation or abnormality can be useful for the radiologist and surgeons and prevent misdiagnosis.
Mandible, Elongated coronoid process, Panoramic radiograph, Embryology, Coronoid process hyperplasia
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