KMID : 1237720170500030214
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2017 Volume.50 No. 3 p.214 ~ p.218
Expression of glucose transporters in the developing rat skin
Oh Chang-Seok
Hong Ji-Won Jin Shun-Nu Lee Wang-Jae Lee Young-Soo Lee Eun-Ju
We found the changed distribution of glucose transporter (GLUT) proteins in the skin during rat development. At 15 days of gestation, GLUT1 and 2 proteins were expressed in the stratum corneum of epidermal cells. In postnatal skin, however, GLUT1 and 2 exhibit different expression patterns. While GLUT1 expression becomes more restricted to the stratum basale with development, GLUT2 was found mainly in stratum spinosum and granulosum, but not being localized in the stratum basale at any stages of perinatal skin development. Considering all these, it can be speculated that each GLUT protein plays its specific role in different epidermal layers and that the glucose used in mammalian skin in utero could be originated from the amniotic fluid during skin development.
Glucose transporter, Skin, Epidermis, Rat, Immunohistochemistry
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