KMID : 1237720220550040497
Anatomy & Cell Biology 2022 Volume.55 No. 4 p.497 ~ p.500
Variant muscle fibers connecting the orbicularis oculi to the orbicularis oris: case report
Kitagawa Norio
Iwanaga Joe Tubbs R Shane Kim Hong-Tae Moon Yong-Suk Hur Mi-Sun
The orbicularis oculi (OOc) is a sphincteric muscle of the eyelids, whereas contraction of the orbicularis oris (OOr), another sphincteric muscle, causes narrowing of the lips. Facial muscle fibers normally blend with adjacent muscles. However, muscle fibers connecting the various facial muscles that have different actions and that are located at distant sites, such as the OOc and the OOr have been rarely reported. Herein, we report a rare case of connecting fibers between the inferior margin of the OOc and the OOr. These connecting fibers were blended with the OOr between the inserting fibers of the levator labii superioris and levator anguli oris. Contraction of such variant muscles might affect typical facial expressions.
Orbicularis oculi, Orbicularis oris, Connecting fibers, Anatomical variations, Cadaver
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