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 ¡á KMbase provides the bibliographic information and abstracts of journal articles.
 ¡á Click on a journal title (name) will bring you to a subpage with its publication year, volume and issue numbers,
    and click on each of them will show respective details.
[ 1065 Journals as of now]
Limits listed :
Journal of Korean Cancer Research AssociationJournal of Korean Traditional OncologyKorean Journal of Pharmacology
Journal of the Korean Pharmaceutical AssociationRecent Advances in Orthodontics and Orthognathic SurgeryJournal of the Korean Dysphagia Society
Swallowing RehabilitationJournal of the Korean Society of RadiologyJournal of the Korean Dietetic Association
Korean Journal of Oriental Preventive MedicineJournal of the Korean Society Hyperthermia OncologyJournal of the Korean Surgical Society
Journal of the Korean Society TraumatologyKorean Journal of Urogenital Tract Infection InflammationJournal of Environmental and Sanitary Engineering
Journal of the Korean Gastric Cancer AssociationJournal of the Korean Society for Breast ScreeningJournal of the Korean Society of Inherited Metabolic Disease
Journal of Convergence Korean MedicineJournal of the Korean Society of Logopedics and PhoniatricsJournal of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
Journal of Medical Gi-GongJournal of Korean Society of Medical InformaticsJournal of Korean Medical Association
Journal of Experimental & Biomedical ScienceKorean Journal of Medical MycologyJournal of the korean Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery
Journal of the Korean Society of Imaging Informatics in MedicineJournal of the Korean Medical AssociationKorean Journal of Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Journal of Korean Society of Cognitive RehabilitationJournal of Korean Society of Cardio-Vascular Interventional TechnologyKorean Journal of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory ScienceKorean Journal of Clinical Laboratory ScienceJouranl of the Korean Society of Clinical Toxicology
Korean Journal of Clinical MicrobiologyKorean Journal of Clinical PathologyKorean Journal of Insurance Medicine
Journal of the Korean Society Clinical NeurophysiologyJournal of the Korean Academy of Clinical ElectrophysiologyJournal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
Journal of Korean Academy of Occupational TherapyJournal of Korean Association for Disability and Oral HealthJournal of Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine
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