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 ¡á KMbase provides the bibliographic information and abstracts of journal articles.
 ¡á Click on a journal title (name) will bring you to a subpage with its publication year, volume and issue numbers,
    and click on each of them will show respective details.
[ 1065 Journals as of now]
Limits listed :
Journal of Korean Society of Computed Tomographic TechnologyKorean Journal of EndourologyJournal of the Korean Society Picture Archiving and Communication System
Dongguk Journal of MedicineDongguk Journal of the Institute of Oriental MedicineBulletin of Dongnam Health University
Bulletin of Dongnam Health CollegeJournal of Alternatives to Animal ExperimentsJournal of Animal Medical Science
Journal of East-West Nirsing ResearchJournal of East-West MedicineEast-West Medical Research Institute Journal
Korean Journal of East West ScienceDong-A Journal MedicineKorean Journal of Oriental Medical Pathology
Korean Journal of Oriental Physiology and PathologyKorean Society of Oriental NeuropsychiatryJournal of Dong - Eui Oriental Medicine
Korean Journal of HeadacheJournal of Rheumatology HealthPhonetics and Speech Sciences
Journal of Maryknoll HospitalKorean Journal of Maternal Child Health NursingMaternal and Child Health Care & Functional Medicine and Nutrition Association
Microorganisms and IndustryJournal of Radiological Science and TechnologyJournal of Radiation Protection and Research
Annual Bulletin of The Bum-Suk Academic Scholarship FoundationKorean Journal of Nosocomial Infection ControlJournal of Hospital Management & Policy
Korean Journal of Hospital ManagementJournal of Korean Society of Hospital PharmacistsKorean Journal of Health Economics and Policy
Health and WelfareHealth and Medical SociologyJournal of Health Science & Medical Technology
Journal of Health Science - Yonsei UniversityJournanl of Allied Health SciencesJournal of Korean Society for Health Education and Promotion
Health and Welfare Policy ForumJournal of Population, Health and Social WelfareHealth Social Welfare Review
Trends in Health Industry & TechnologyJournal of Educational Evaluation for Health ProfessionsJournal of Health Technology Assessment
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