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 ¡á KMbase provides the bibliographic information and abstracts of journal articles.
 ¡á Click on a journal title (name) will bring you to a subpage with its publication year, volume and issue numbers,
    and click on each of them will show respective details.
[ 1065 Journals as of now]
Limits listed :
Journal of Korean Academic Society of Home Care NursingKorean Journal of Family MedicineFamily and Family Therapy
Cachon Medical JournalJournal of Catholic Medical CollegeNursing Science - Ewha Womans University
Chonnam Journal of Nursing ScienceNursing and InnovationSeoul Journal of Nursing
Journal of Nursing ScienceKorean Journal of Nursing QueryJournal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
Korean Journal of Infectious DiseasesInfection and ChemotherapyKorean Journal of Health & Occupational Science
Hallym Health ForumHealth Insurance & PolicyHealth Insurance Forum
Konkuk Journal of Medical SciencesKonyang Medical JournalAnnals of Optometry and Contact Lens
Tuberculosis and Respiratory DiseasesKyungpook Medical JournalKyunpook University Medical Journal
Bulletin of Kyung Hee Pharmaceutical SciencesKyung Hee University Medical JournalJournal of Kyung Hee University
Kyung Hee Dental JournalJournal of KyungHee Oriental Medicine CollegeKeimyung Journal of Nursing Science
Keimyung Medical JournalKeimyung Medical JournalKorea Univercity Medical Journal
Korea University Medical JournalKorean Ginseng Research and IndustryJournal of Occupational Therapy for the Aged and Dementia
Kosin Medical JournalKosin Medical JournalKorean Journal of Public Health
Kwandong Medical JournalJournal of Kwangju HealthJournal of Dental Science (C.N.U.)
Oral Biology ResearchJournal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied ScienceJournal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science
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